Monthly Archives: November 2018

Democratic Candidates Prevailed in the Mid-Term Elections in CT

Although the Sherman votes for the Governorship and State Senator edged ahead for the Republicans, the margin was narrower than expected based on the mix of registered voters by party line. Sherman’s voting results show a strong shift towards the Democrats as reported in the Town Tribune on November 15, 2018:

Ballotpedia identified
 six of the races as battlegrounds, including four Republican-held districts and two Democratic-held districts. Democrats won five of those elections, with a sixth election in a Republican-held seat remaining too close to call as of 2:15 p.m. ET on November 14, 2018.Democrats expanded their majority in the 2018 elections for the Connecticut State Senate, winning 22 seats to Republicans‘ 12. As of 2:15 p.m. ET on November 14, 2018, two races remained too close to call, with Democrats expected to win both.[1] Should Democrats win both uncalled races, the party would gain a supermajority.

All 36 Senate seats were up for election. At the time of the election, Democrats and Republicans each held 18 seats, now Democrats hold 20 seats and Republicans hold 11.

Heading into the election, Connecticut had been under a Democratic trifecta since 2011 when Dan Malloy (D) was sworn in as governor. Malloy’s swearing-in ended a period of divided government that had lasted since Gov. Lowell Weicker (I) took office in 1991. Democrats had held majorities in both chambers of the state legislature since the 1986 state legislative elections. Had the Republican Party taken the chamber, it would have broken the Democratic trifecta.

The Connecticut State Senate was one of 87 state legislative chambers holding elections in 2018. There are 99 chambers throughout the country. The Connecticut State Senate was also one of 22 state legislative battleground chambers.

In 2019, half of House Democrats will be members of a fledgling caucus of progressives committed to reforming Connecticut’s tax structure, raising the minimum wage and passing paid family and medical leave, legalizing recreational marijuana and fighting climate change. House members serve two-year terms; there are no term limits imposed on them.

Both amendments to the state consitution were passed:

Amendment 1 requires that all revenue placed in the state’s Special Transportation Fund (STF) be used for transportation purposes, including the payment of transportation-related debts. (88% voted for). Six other states voted similarly in previous years.  For more info, click here

Amendment 2 requires a public hearing on bills to authorize the transfer, sale, or disposal of state-owned properties, such as state parks, forests, and conserved lands, to non-state entities and requires a two-thirds vote of the Connecticut General Assembly to authorize the transfer, sale, or disposal of land under the control of the state agriculture or environmental protection departments. (84% voted for).For more info, click here.



Sherman Democratic Town Committee Newsletter 11/5/2018




Welcome to the newsletter of the Sherman Democratic Town Committee, particularly to our new subscribers. Our goal is to share with local Democrats news and resources to help us stay involved for positive change on a state and local level. We are committed to working for and with the citizens of Sherman to promote issues, initiatives, and candidates that will make Sherman a better place to live and work.

A Vibrant Event for Jahana and Julie

Did you miss it?  Well over one hundred people – mainly from Sherman but with a sprinkling from neighboring towns – assembled at the Jewish Community Center in Sherman on Sunday night, October 28th, to meet our candidate for U.S. Congress, Jahana Hayes, and our candidate for State Senate, Julie Kushner.

Each of the candidates spoke, answered questions, and then mingled with the crowd. Lots of good food and drinks were consumed. The event was sponsored by the Sherman Democratic Town Committee.
If you missed it, or just want to hear the candidates again, click here and you’ll see the formal presentations and Q&A. (Sorry! We can’t provide you with a rerun of the food, congenial company, and chance to talk directly with the candidates!)

Don’t Blow off the Mid-terms!

This election will determine the next:

  • Governor, considered a toss-up and could shift the Governors’ balance country-wide
  • Lieutenant Governor,
  • Treasurer,
  • Attorney General,
  • U.S. Senator
  • U.S. Representative.
  • Senator to Hartford
  • Representative to Hartford

Also, it will determine two measures affecting our roads and public lands..

Sherman’s Registered Democrats on the Rise

Our traditionally solid red town seems to be reflecting a dwindling Republican makeup and an increased Democrat presence. The number of registered Sherman Democrats over the years was about 610 to 625 and went up by 10-15%.during the last twelve months. During this time period, the Republicans are down from their usual by about 10%. The Independent’s are also down by about 46 to 1074, but remain the largest group

To keep the momentum going on this trend right up to election day, DO reach out to those who may be apolitical or turned off to politics in general with a positive, future-oriented message. DON’T waste time arguing with those in the opposite camp—your opposition to their viewpoint may actually fire them up, and you want them to stay home. Finally, let those persuadables know that they can register on November 6th, no problem. Just go to town hall and register and then walk over to vote.

It’s Not Just Who We Vote For, It’s What

Amidst all the personalities vying for your vote, two measures on this midterm Connecticut ballot also deserve your informed attention. The are presented on the right side of the ballot.

The Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club recommends voting “Yes” on both proposed amendments. Here’s why…

The first is called the Connecticut Transportation Revenue Lockbox Amendment, which would prohibit lawmakers from using the state transportation fund for anything other than transportation purposes.

This guarantees funding for improvements to CT’s transportation infrastructure and transition to “green” transportation while preventing misuse and raiding of this designated money. We have already seen the General Assembly take $155 million from the Clean Energy fund and put it into the General Fund.

The second is the Connecticut Legislative Requirements to Transfer State Properties Amendment which would require a public hearing and a two-thirds majority vote of the Connecticut General Assembly to authorize the transfer, sale, or disposal of state-owned properties (state parks, forests, and conserved lands) to non-state entities.

Currently, no such requirements exist and our public land is often swapped for political favors with no oversight, any advance notice or public comment. Unlike public laws, which can quietly be reversed later, this change in our Constitution could not be easily undone. It will also finally allow Connecticut to catch up with our neighbors in New York and Massachusetts, and in Maine, who already have similar Constitutional requirements for transparency. For additional reasons, click here.

Feel like being inspired?
  • Well, read on…There are many hours between now and November 6th for all of us receiving this email to help turn out voters.During this last push, our focus needs to be on finding every last likely Democrat voter and energizing them to get to the polls.Here are a few ways to do this:
    • Rack your brain to think of  anyone who might be Democrat-leaning, but you are not sure of their interest in this (or any) election. Ask them if they plan to vote, and remind them about the historic importance of this midterm election…and that voting is the exercise of their personal power.
    • Convey the positive vision that Jahana Hayes and Julie Kushner offer… that it IS possible to create a safe, healthy, sane, free, just and equal world for CT residents and for all Americans.  Help is on the way. Good people with good ideas are here.  We just need to vote for them.
    • Come from a place of feeling good about what you believe. Having “the courage of your convictions” anchored in a positive, forward-looking outlook will give you the power of influence that may surprise you.
    • Contact/connect to people in any way you can. Please forward this email to friends and family so they may get a chance to participate as well.
    • There are postcards to fill out, lawn signs to put up, doors to knock on and phone calls you can make.

    Contact Julie’s campaign by clicking here

Nuts and Bolts on Registering to Vote

The time frame to register to vote online for the November 06, 2018 election has expired.

You have the remaining options left to register to vote:

  1. For those applicants who become 18 years old, a US Citizen, or have moved into town between October 31, 2018 and November 5, 2018, you can obtain, complete and submit an application for voter registration at Sherman Town Hall no later 5 p.m. on Monday, November 05, 2018. You’d then vote on Tuesday at Charter Hall (in the EMS building) or
  2. On Election Day, you can appear at Sherman Town Hall  where you can register and vote .

Forms of Identification Accepted:

  1. A birth certificate, driver’s license, or social security card
  2. Current and valid photo identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, pay check, or government document showing the name and address of the voter, confirming your address in the town in which you are registering to vote.

Sherman Registrars Office 

Sherman Town Hall, 9 Rt 39 North, Sherman, Connecticut 06784

Website: Sherman Registrars Office            Phone: (860) 350-4694

Sample Ballots

To view the Sherman Sample ballot, click here

To view the New Milford Sample ballot, click here

To view the New Fairfield Sample ballot, click here

What to Bring When You Vote

At the polling place, you’ll be asked for an ID.  If you do not have any, then in most cases, you may sign an affidavit in lieu of one.

There are several options for identification and a driver’s license or have a photo are not needed..

  • Social Security card; or any other pre-printed form of ID that shows your name and address, signature, or photograph.
  • If you’re a first-time voter who registered by mail, you will need to show a proof of residence as well. Acceptable forms include: a current and valid photo ID that shows your name and address; or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that shows your name and address.
  • If you’re a first-time voter without ID, you may vote a provisional ballot.
Needed: Election Volunteers

The Registrar’s office is seeking volunteers to assist at the various elections and referendums held throughout the year. There are a variety of positions, some for the entire day and some for a half day.

Any registered Democrat interested in volunteering or seeking more information should contact either Bill Perkanis, Registrar,, or Carol Muska, Assistant Registrar,

If you know someone who might need a ride to the polls, or if you are willing to volunteer to drive people to the polls on Election Day, go to

Any lawyers amongst you? A lot of people were turned away from the Primary Election polls on August 14th for not having ID and other illegal reasons. To prevent this on November 6th, the campaign is trying to organize attorneys to poll stand in Waterbury on Election night. If you are able to do this or know of other lawyers who might be interested, contact Kayla Briere, the campaign’s Field Director, at

Some political rhymes

by Larry Beinhart
Excerpts referring to the Republicans from his column in CHRONOGRAM

There are many things we need to fix,

so please don’t forget, November Six.

Don’t fear the Russians or dirty tricks

or that someone’s turning it, into a fix.

Their promises are just bait’n’switch,

they’re only cutting taxes for the rich.

They say they love us and they care,

but they’re against clean water and clean air.

Praising democracy with every expression

while they’re working at voter suppression,

it is neither libel nor slander

to say they are doing the gerrymander.

It’s in our hands, it’s not about fate. Even call people who are out of state.

Make your votes count, make them shout,

remind the world what democracy’s about.

Move away from exclusion, racism, and hate…

that’s what makes America great.

Don’t say it doesn’t matter or you don’t care.

Do what you must, you must be there.
Upcoming Sherman Events

Election Day Voting
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Emergency Services Facility – Firehouse- Upper Level
1 Rte. 39
Sherman, CT 06784
6 am – 8 pm

Important Links
Donate to the SDTC
Register to Vote
Vote with an Absentee Ballot

About Us

We are an organization of inclusion, not exclusion. We have a longstanding history of attracting both Democratic and unaffiliated voters and endorsing both Democratic and unaffiliated candidates. We work to represent the wide variety of Sherman citizens who hold many different viewpoints and opinions.

Paid for by the Sherman Democratic Town Committee, Thomas Conley Treasurers