Monthly Archives: February 2022

Taking Stock—Accomplishments with Don Lowe as First Selectman—Through Feb 14, 2022

As Sherman enters the fourth year with Don Lowe as First Selectman, it’s gratifying to appreciate what he and the town have accomplished together. Here’s a list of 37 of the more noticeable items.

Taxes and Finances

  1. Taxes have decreased more than 8% during Don’s first 4 years
  2. Surplus and capital fund and Happy Acres restricted Fund all significantly bolstered
  3. After complicated negotiations, we added Sprint/T-Mobile as a carrier and gave Sherman a $26,000 increase in yearly revenue
  4. Offered property tax relief to disabled Sherman Veterans
  5. Chose a better investment company for Town employees

Happy Acres

  1. Happy Acres Farm is now properly managed and, finally, is once again a working farm and a place that Sherman can be proud of calling its own
  2. Repaired, resurfaced, and repainted the Happy Acres barn and house.

Public Works including Roads and Public Facilities

  1. Purchased several new implements for Public Works
  2. Veterans Field Bathrooms are fixed and working.
  3. Re-surfaced Town Beach Pavilion
  4. Fox Run detention basin project, the longest-running agenda item in Sherman history (14 years) was completed in Don’s first year
  5. Strong and active response to blocked roads and power outages from storms
  6. For the first time ever, Mallory Town Hall has been provided a generator for power outages; Public Works has been provided with a new generator
  7. After 25 years of requests,  the BOS installed ADA compliant entrances into Mallory Town Hall
  8. Paved the Town/Trinity Church road
  9. Solved several longstanding drainage issues on Town roads including Hardscrabble Road, Fox Run, and Taber Road
  10. Improved the face and landscaping at Mallory Town Hall
  11. Helping the Sherman School move forward with capital repairs and a phased modernization plan
  12. Better relationship with State partners resulting in Route 39 S being paved and Route 39 N chip sealed.

ESF and Charter Hall Improvements

  1. Drilled a new well for the Sherman ESF Building/Charter Hall and solved several longstanding water issues there.
  2. Fixed venting system and improved air safety in the garage bays at the ESF building
  3. Repaired the floor in Charter Hall
  4. As promised, there is a far more effective ESF/Charter Hall maintenance plan in effect

Public Health, Safety, and Emergency Response

  1. Strong and active response to the Covid-19 pandemic
  2. Formed an Emergency Response Team that meets regularly and continues to improve services during storms, blocked roads, and power outages.
  3. Formed a CERT TEAM (Citizen Emergency Response Team) – first time ever in Sherman.
  4. Surveillance cameras at Town parks for better safety
  5. Increased traffic safety awareness
  6. After complicated negotiations, we added Sprint/T-Mobile as a carrier and gave Sherman a $26,000 increase in yearly revenue
  7. As promised, the coordination between Town agencies is greatly improved
  8. Park and Rec programming has been expanded to include more programs for adults
  9. Increased tree cutting and removal

Improvements to Quality of Life

  1. Secured a state grant to improve the Sherman Scout House
  2. Provided water for the community gardeners
  3. Better relationship between Town and Eversource and Charter cable
  4. Added more kayak space
  5. Made recycling stickers free
  6. Offered tuition waiver for pre-school parents who suffer financial hardship
  7. More attention to Candlewood Lake quality-of-life and a stronger more vital Candlewood Lake Authority


The Current State Senator for Our New District Will Retire

The SDTC has had a close relationship with our State Senator Julie Kushner (D) who represents the 24th Senate District which includes New Fairfield and Danbury.
The 2020 Census has shown Danbury to increase in population. Therefore, the CT Legislature has all but ratified moving Sherman into another senate district, District 30. Sadly, effective Jan 1, 2023, we will leave Senator Julie and join 13 towns — including New Milford, Sherman, Kent, and parts of New Fairfield. Sherman will vote in Nov 2022 for a Senator to represent that district.
Currently Senator Craig Minor (R) leads that district. Although he also serves as the chief deputy Senate Republican leader, Sen. Miner will not seek reelection in November.
State Rep. Stephen Harding, a four-term Republican from Brookfield who is the top GOP House member of the Environment Committee, is expected to seek the nomination to succeed Miner.
As of mid-January, Sen Kushner knows of no Democrat who is expected to run. If you know someone or are interested yourself, please email
We remain in District 108 (for the State House of Representatives) which will expand more eastward into New Milford and extend into Danbury differently.
We are currently working on our next newsletter which will feature a wide-ranging interview with First Selectman Don Lowe. Any other ideas or contributions to that newsletter are welcome.