Category Archives: slate

Join me in voting for Kate Kelley Frey

From Town Tribune Oct 21, 2021. To the Editor:  To Sherman Voters,

Please join me in voting for Kate Kelley Frey for a seat on the Board of Education.

While the recent focus on maintenance issues at the school is of vital importance, even more important is what is happening inside the building. Kate’s long experience in and deep knowledge of education will be a vital contribution to the BOE. Her expertise in curriculum will help in designing educational programs that meet the current and future needs of our children.

It’s easy to ignore an election with few contested seats. The local election on November 2nd presents an opportunity to enhance the quality of education at the Sherman School.

Please elect Kate Kelley Frey to the Board of Education.

Andrea O’Connor


In Support of James Neunzig for BOE—Authentic, Honest and Loves Sherman

From Town Tribune Oct 14, 2021. To the Editor:
I support James Neunzig for another term on the Board of Education. James is an authentic and honest person who cares deeply about the school. With his recent appointment to Chair of the BOE, he is taking a thoughtful approach to solving the complexities that come with a small-town school.
James and his wife Kara have lived in Sherman for more than 20 years with their three children, who all attended The Sherman School. I know him to be a passionate advocate for our town and wants to ensure the best outcome for everyone in Sherman.
With 30 plus years in hospitality, and the success of the beloved J.P. Gifford Market in Kent, it is no surprise that James is easy to talk to and is regarded for his ability to listen and take concerns seriously. 1 hope you will join me in voting for James on Nov. 2nd.
Sunday Fisher,Sherman

Vote for James Neunzig Sherman BOE

From Town Tribune Oct 14, 2021. To the Editor:
For the last year, I have had the opportunity to work alongside James Ncunzig on the Board of Education. James has proven his dedication to the school and the taxpayers throughout the last 4 years as he worked tirelessly to improve The Sherman School. In his new leadership role, he has instituted changes to increase the transparency of the BOE that will give the town the opportunity to follow along with the work that is being done to meet the needs of the school.
I have been proud to work alongside someone like James who has the ability to be passionate about the BOE work, remain calm, is considerate to others when learning new information, and makes decisions thoughtfully. The Sherman School and the town have been lucky to have him and another 4 years of his talent is exactly what we need to usher in the next era of the Sherman School. Vote for James Neunzig on Nov. 2!
Matt Vogt, Sherman

Vote Kate Kelley Frey for Sherman BOE

From Town Tribune Oct 14, 2021. To the Editor:
Please join me as I vote for Kate Kelley Frey for a 4-year term on the Sherman Board of Education. Kate offers a very needed perspective to the Board. She is a 33-year veteran teacher with a heavy emphasis on curriculum development and best practices.
She has a very deep history in the town of Sherman moving here in 1976 with her parents Ray and Polly Kelley and brother Joe. She has also raised a daughter in Sherman and navigated the school as a parent through all the choices for her education which adds another much-needed perspective.
Kate would be a very collaborative and thoughtful addition to the Sherman Board of Education.
Mary Lee-Roulat, Sherman

Sherman Parent Teacher Organization’s annual Fall Harvest Festival

The Sherman Democratic Town Committee is a proud sponsor of the Sherman Parent Teacher Organization’s annual Fall Harvest Festival. Held at the Sherman school between 5 pm and 9 pm on Friday Oct 15th and on Saturday Oct 16th between 4 pm and 8 pm. The SDTC will host the bouncy house and a table with informative information. They’ll also have a few absentee ballot application forms and forms for registering to vote. You may get a chance to pepper our candidates with some difficult questions like ‘are you enjoying the fall colors’ or….?

Endorsing Kate Frey for Board of Education

From Town Tribune Oct 7, 2021.

To the Editor:

Kate Frey, known to many of you as Kate Kelley Frey, is seeking to serve a four-year term on the Sherman Board of Education.  Kate is a dedicated, experienced educator having taught for 33 years in the public school system. She is an outstanding candidate for the Board of Education.

With a Master of Science degree in Curriculum from Western Connecticut and a Bachelor of Science from Northeastern, Kate has a deep knowledge of curriculum development and best practices which would provide a much-needed perspective to the Board. In addition, her collaborative nature and ability to develop consensus will be vital assets to the challenges facing the Sherman Board of Education.

Kate’s connection to the Sherman School goes back to having her first teaching job there, watching her daughter and nephews attend the school, as well as her mother, Polly Kelley, teaching there for many years.  She would love to serve this community that means so much.

Carol Muska, Sherman

Endorsing James Neunzig for Board of Education

From Town Tribune Oct 7, 2021.

To the Editor:

Sherman is fortunate to have James Neunzig as a candidate for our Board of Education. James communicates in an organized, transparent, team-oriented style. His communication skills have been developed through 30 years of effectively managing staff, employees, and the public. James listens to all sides, assesses the situation, and seeks expert guidance to gain perspective before making a decision. He communicates in an open, civilized, unvarnished fashion and doesn’t become discouraged or confrontational when faced with challenging or unpleasant situations.

Sherman School is facing a critical time and James has demonstrated the ability and temperament to make a positive difference. He has devoted a significant amount of time, thought, and research in an attempt to achieve positive outcomes on issues that benefit the school, our children, and our town. His vision for our school is forward-thinking and one which I wholeheartedly embrace.

I’ve listened to him communicate his vision for our school and our town – he’s the real deal – authentic and honest. I ask you to please join me in voting for JAMES NEUNZIG for Board of Education.
—Ann Chiaramonte,Sherman