Endorsing James Neunzig for Board of Education

From Town Tribune Oct 7, 2021.

To the Editor:

Sherman is fortunate to have James Neunzig as a candidate for our Board of Education. James communicates in an organized, transparent, team-oriented style. His communication skills have been developed through 30 years of effectively managing staff, employees, and the public. James listens to all sides, assesses the situation, and seeks expert guidance to gain perspective before making a decision. He communicates in an open, civilized, unvarnished fashion and doesn’t become discouraged or confrontational when faced with challenging or unpleasant situations.

Sherman School is facing a critical time and James has demonstrated the ability and temperament to make a positive difference. He has devoted a significant amount of time, thought, and research in an attempt to achieve positive outcomes on issues that benefit the school, our children, and our town. His vision for our school is forward-thinking and one which I wholeheartedly embrace.

I’ve listened to him communicate his vision for our school and our town – he’s the real deal – authentic and honest. I ask you to please join me in voting for JAMES NEUNZIG for Board of Education.
—Ann Chiaramonte,Sherman