Tag Archives: caucus

Sherman Democrats Announce a Caucus

All Sherman Voters registered as a Democrat or Independent are welcome to attend the caucus and monthly meeting of the Sherman Democratic Town Committee. The caucus will endorse members and candidates for the Sherman Democratic Town Committee and transact other business as may be proper to come before the said caucus.
If you are a registered Democrat and would like to become a member, please either attend or send an email to shermandems@gmail.com
If you are an Independent, you will be able to register as a Democrat at the meeting or register online by clicking https://voterregistration.ct.gov/OLVR/welcome.do
The meeting following the caucus will discuss the year ahead.
These events will occur on Jan 5, 2022, at 7:30 pm at the Sherman Senior Center, 8 Rt. 37 Center, Sherman, CT 06784.
Best wishes to all for 2022!